Depression Therapy
Is Depression Compromising Your Quality Of Life?
Do you often feel “low” or uninterested in your work, activities, and relationships? Have you noticed the weather negatively impacting your mood? Is it difficult for you to feel motivated to make changes to your lifestyle and routine?
Depression often manifests in ways that can be hard to identify.
If you are tearful or upset, you may think that you are just sad. If you’re irritable or frustrated, you may think that you are just angry. And if you lack energy or motivation, you may think that you are just tired. But when these symptoms are combined and continue for weeks on end, it’s possible that an underlying case of depression is the cause.
Beyond impacting mood, depression can develop as physical symptoms. You may experience sleep disruptions or a desire to sleep more than you need to. Perhaps you’ve noticed shifts in your body and appearance, including changes in appetite or weight. You might even have pain in the body that you attribute to a physical issue rather than a mental or emotional one.
Depression depletes you of your joy, energy, and zest for life. It’s possible your symptoms have worsened to the point that you are considering self-harm or suicide. If that’s the case, it’s important to seek treatment for depression.
My counseling approach blends behavioral and holistic methods to help clients identify and overcome their depression. Working together, we can uncover root causes, explore new strategies, and create achievable goals for treatment that will lessen the burden of depression on your life.
Have any questions? Send us a message!
Many People Experience Depression For A Lot Of Different Reasons
Depression is a very common mood disorder. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that 5 percent of adults struggle with depression globally. [1] It affects individuals of all backgrounds but is generally more common among women than men.
There is a variety of reasons why depression can surface. For many, there is a genetic predisposition toward depression, which can be made worse with co-occurring substance abuse. There are also certain medications that can exacerbate depression symptoms. In many cases, however, depression stems from significant changes or unresolved traumas that test our resilience.
Depression Is Closely Related To Anxiety And Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
It can be difficult to differentiate between depression and anxiety, which is another very common mood disorder. For a lot of people, depression and anxiety share similar characteristics—notably, the presence of an intrusive inner critic. There is a nagging feeling that we aren’t enough, which perpetuates uncomfortable cognitive and emotional symptoms.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is another form of depression. Individuals with SAD experience depression with changes in the weather, particularly when the weather turns cold or gray and the days get shorter. Some people use specially made lamps to help offset the effects of darker weather.
Depression, anxiety, and SAD can be managed with medication, but therapy is typically the most effective intervention across the board. By teaching you individualized emotional regulation skills, therapy can provide you with a toolkit you can use for life.
My Approach To Therapy For Depression Creates More Space For New, Healthier Possibilities
As a therapist who has encountered depression both personally and professionally in my life, I recognize the value of changing one’s perspective on the path to healing. The negative beliefs and experiences at the core of depressive symptoms literally rewire the brain, reducing its chemical capabilities and function. But therapy can be particularly beneficial in strengthening the nervous system and changing the brain’s response to stress.
My treatment approach is helpful for those struggling with generalized depression, as well as those battling SAD and depression-related anxiety. And while I do not prescribe, I am happy to refer you to a psychiatrist if medication is needed.
What To Expect
Therapy for depression is designed to help you change and adapt your views of the world. Using behavioral approaches like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), I will help you recognize the relationship between your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as we restructure your experiences in a way that feels less negative. As you learn to create more positive or even neutral associations, you will be able to cultivate a healthier, more realistic mindset.
Another tool we will use in depression treatment is your own lifestyle and hobbies. Drawing from elements of ecotherapy, we will spend more time outside cultivating mindfulness so that you can become more aware and experience the benefits of nature. We will also consider your sleep, exercise, and eating habits as we collaborate on a routine and regimen that can uplift your mood.
Depression has a way of making us feel like hope is not within reach, but therapy can change that. Though it might be challenging to reach out for help, counseling is the first step toward relief. Working together in a safe, nonjudgmental space, we can improve your perspective so that life feels more joyful and manageable.
Perhaps You Still Have Questions About Whether Depression Treatment Is Right For You…
I’ve been feeling depressed for so long, I’m not sure I will ever feel better.
Many people struggle with depression for so long that they begin to believe there will never be a sense of relief from their symptoms. This can be a very painful mindset to be in, but I assure you relief is possible.
Therapy (and medication if necessary) can be a meaningful gateway to new, healthier perspectives on your life and its obstacles. By training the brain to respond to stress differently, we can expand your window of tolerance, adjust your outlook, and increase your resilience
Is medication part of treatment for depression?
Medication can be beneficial for some people, but it’s not always necessary when treating depression. A lot of individuals find relief from symptoms of depression through mental health counseling and lifestyle changes.
That said, if you decide you want to pursue medication as part of your treatment plan, I will support you in making that choice. Though I am not able to prescribe, I can refer you to a psychiatrist or other prescribing clinician who can help.
How long should I expect to be in therapy for depression?
Every person is different, which means every client will respond differently to treatment. I will have a better idea of how long you can expect to be in therapy once I know more about your unique depression symptoms and previous counseling experience. Though the duration of treatment will vary from person to person, it’s likely you will begin to experience some relief from your symptoms after only a few sessions.
You Can Learn To Think About Your Struggles In A New Way
If depression is making you feel sad, agitated, or hopeless, therapy can be a meaningful way to shift your mindset and heal. For more information about how I can help or to schedule an appointment, contact me. In-person appointments are available to residents local to Grass Valley, CA, and virtual appointments are available to residents throughout California.
[1] https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/depression