Parent Support Group
Currently running Every Other Tuesday Evening 6-7:30
Session Cost: $45
Parenting is one of the most challenging jobs on earth doesn’t come with instructions. It can be full of both triumph and challenging opportunity. Often as parents we feel isolated, overwhelmed, and just need support. Come connect with other parents and gain community. You are not alone. You deserve the time to take care of yourself. Various issues are discussed based on the needs of the group. Please call ahead to reserve a space. 408-680-8114
Mindfulness For Parents and Parenting
Parents can have their buttons pushed by their children and teenagers. Learning mindfulness and stress reduction techniques can help you develop a non-reactive, non-judgmental stance and to approach yourself and others with compassion. It can help parents facing common challenges such as balancing multiple demands, comforting a colicky baby, responding to toddler tantrums, helping children cope with school, or communicating with teenagers. Mindfulness can also support parents with practices which nurture moments of self-care so they can slow down and savour their children’s and teens’ day-to-day experiences. Mindfulness can also be particularly helpful in helping couples connect more deeply with each other while parenting together. I offer workshops and and meditation – discussion group Both are designed to help incorporate mindfulness practices into daily life and apply them to parenting, develop present awareness, deepen relationships, manage stress, and avoid reactive parenting. Please call for exact pricing and availability. (408) 680-8114
Class Cost: $300-$350
Experimenting with Mindfulness Parent-Child Class
Class designed for parents with younger children ages 4-8. Come with your child and: experiment play move experience mindful stories and ‘imagination relaxation’ form yoga poses engage your senses and practice being still. Class designed for parents and children to gain exposure to different types of mindful activities designed to enhance selfawareness, presence, and joy. Come have fun together and take home tools to help you relax and enjoy each other.
and Co-parenting Classes
Classes are based on a variety of positive parenting techniques designed to address behavioral issues and help you become the parent you have always wanted to be. Classes are fun and interactive. Taught in a supportive non-jugemental environment. Co-parenting classes are designed to assist you, or you and your former partner in dealing with the complicated and sometimes painful issues unique to partners parenting the same children while living separately.
Please call for more detailed information on current offerings. 408-680-8114
Women Coming Out
This group is designed for women who have been previously involved in heterosexual relationships and are exploring their sexuality or are in the coming out process. Come gain support in a supportive, therapeutic, and confidential environment. Please call for a private and gentle pre-screening interview. 408-680-8114.
Session Cost per group: $40
Family Process Art
Have relatives coming to town or want a new “family-time” activity?
This class/worshop is designed to learn how to create together! Scheduled by appointment only and can be 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Explore materials, learn to communicate ideas, share excitement, and watch a family vision unfold! Also appropriate for couples wanting to explore creativity together and learn about the unique voice of their partner. $180-300 depending on materials, time and size of group.